Javascript RTSDK - Topia Client Library

Create integrated, interactive experiences with Topia’s SDK and API

Topia offers a robust SDK and API that allows anyone to build custom apps or integrate any 3rd-party content, application, game or learning experience. Dedicated deployments launch with dozens of SDK Applications, including mini-games and social apps made by the Topia team and our developer community

Topia’s SDK/API can be used to:

  • Turn existing applications and systems into multiplayer, cooperative experiences
  • Integrate existing content into multiplayer learning journeys
  • Create your own custom, dynamic social experiences and games
  • Store and persist JSON data objects across sessions
  • Add Social Connectivity Networking capabilities to your existing platforms

Key Features:

  • Built-in safety and security via an interactive credentialing system
  • Control over the code and IP of your creations
  • Integrated via i-frame, in-world assets, and server-based bi-directional data flow
  • Every object, world, and visitor has a JSON database you use to build interactivity and data persistence
  • Powerful SDK classes and methods enable control of every aspect of Topia


Need inspiration?! Check out the following applications which utilizes the SDK to create new and enhanced features inside topia.io:

  • Bulletin Board: A message board style application where users can submit messages and/or images for approval and an admin can approve the message so that it can be added to the world.
  • Jukebox: A real-time interactive music player.
  • TicTacToe: A turn based multiplayer game built completely on the canvas.
  • Quest: A dynamic hide and seek game where an admin can drop multiple quest items within a world for users to find.

Questions, comments, or have something exciting to share with the Topia team? Reach out to apps@topia.io!


Visitors of a topia.io world interact with each other and the interactively configured assets in your world without the need for an API Key. This is all made possible through Interactive Session credentials passed to the SDK with every request, when applicable. What does this mean for you? Not much, actually! All of the magic happens behind the scenes and all you have to do is make sure that new class constructors include an options object like this: options: WorldOptionalInterface = { attributes: {}, credentials: {} } and all calls to this.topia.axios include the inherited this.requestOptions parameter.

Want to build interactive assets? This is how you can get started:

Getting a Key Pair:

  • Navigate directly to your integrations page or follow the steps below from within a world.
    • Click on your image (or circle) at the top left of the left hand navbar.
    • Click Edit Profile. This will bring you to a separate dashboard.
    • Click Integrations on the left nav
  • Click the “Add Key Pair” button. This is going to be your public / private key pair for your app.

Adding a Key Pair to an asset:

Make an asset “interactive” by adding your PUBLIC key to the integrations page of the asset editor.

  • Go back to your world. Make sure you are in “Edit Mode” by toggling on Edit on the left nav bar
  • Hover over any asset. Click the pencil icon that should show up on hover and select “Edit”
  • Go to the Integrations tab
  • At the bottom, you'll see a section that says “Add player session credentials to asset interactions”. Toggle that on. Now webhooks that fire from this asset and iframes that open from this asset will include the following values:
    • assetId
    • interactivePublicKey
    • interactiveNonce
    • visitorId
    • urlSlug
  • The above values are included in the query params of the iframe URL as well as payload of the webhook.
  • Once you have the above values you can pass them as credentials into the factory classes when creating class instances.
await DroppedAsset.get(assetId, urlSlug, {
credentials: {

Interactive Application Development Diagram

Want to enable want world owners / admins to use the app outside of Topia, but still have ability to modify things in worlds where they have the permission to do so? This is how you can create an API Key:

A Topia provided API Key can be included with every object initialization as a parameter named apiKey. This API Key is used to in authorization headers in all calls to the Public API. Use it wisely and sparingly! The API Key should only be used to authorize your app (and therefore all of it's users) to perform specific actions when not currently in a Topia world. In most case the ability to interact with an SDK application should be controlled per user using Interactive Credentials (see above).

  • Navigate directly to your integrations page or follow the steps below from within a world.
    • Click on your image (or circle) at the top left of the left hand navbar.
    • Click Edit Profile. This will bring you to a separate dashboard.
    • Click Integrations on the left nav.
  • Click Generate New API Key and copy the API Key to be used in your .env file.


Get Started


We have two boilerplates available to help you get started. Pick the one that best suits your needs, clone it, and let the coding begin!

Run yarn add @rtsdk/topia or npm install @rtsdk/topia

Create your instance of Topia and instantiate the factories you need:

import dotenv from "dotenv";

import { AssetFactory, Topia, DroppedAssetFactory, UserFactory, WorldFactory } from "@rtsdk/topia";

const config = {
apiDomain: process.env.INSTANCE_DOMAIN || "https://api.topia.io/",
interactiveKey: process.env.INTERACTIVE_KEY,
interactiveSecret: process.env.INTERACTIVE_SECRET,

const myTopiaInstance = new Topia(config);

const Asset = new AssetFactory(myTopiaInstance);
const DroppedAsset = new DroppedAssetFactory(myTopiaInstance);
const User = new UserFactory(myTopiaInstance);
const World = new WorldFactory(myTopiaInstance);

export { Asset, DroppedAsset, myTopiaInstance, User, World };

Put it to use:

import { DroppedAsset } from "./pathToAboveCode";

export const getAssetAndDataObject = async (req) => {
const { assetId, interactiveNonce, interactivePublicKey, urlSlug, visitorId } = req.query;

const droppedAsset = await DroppedAsset.get(assetId, urlSlug, {
credentials: {

await droppedAsset.fetchDroppedAssetDataObject();
return droppedAsset;

Data Objects

Data Objects can be used to store information such as game state, configurations, themes, and analytics. There are three types of Data Objects:

  • World: The World data object should be used to store information unique to your app in a given world but not necessarily specific details about an instance or an active game. This information would persist even if the app was removed from the world.
    • Example - Update two specific data points:
      await world.updateDataObject({
      [`keyAssets.${keyAssetId}.itemsCollectedByUser.${profileId}`]: { [dateKey]: { count: 1 }, total: 1 },
      [`profileMapper.${profileId}`]: username,
    • Example - Increment a specific value within the data object by 1:
      await world.incrementDataObjectValue([`keyAssets.${keyAssetId}.totalItemsCollected.count`], 1);
  • Dropped Asset: The Dropped Asset data object should only store what is unique to the specific instance of the app in the world such as game state. If the Dropped Asset is deleted, the data object would be lost as well so be sure to only store information here the doesn't need to persist!
    • Example - Initialize data object with default data and keyAssetId:
      await droppedAsset.setDataObject(
      keyAssetId: droppedAsset.id,
      { lock: { lockId, releaseLock: true } },
    • Example - Update lastInteraction date and playerCount:
      await droppedAsset.updateDataObject({ lastInteraction: new Date(), playerCount: playerCount + 1 });
  • User: The User data object should be used to store information unique to a user that is NOT unique to a world or instance (dropped asset) of an app.
    • Example - Update totalMessagesSentCount by a user across all worlds: js await world.incrementDataObjectValue([`totalMessagesSentCount`], 1);

Data Object Locking

All of our data object set, update, and increment methods have an optional lock argument. You can create a lock id using that parameters specific to the action you are taking plus a timestamp so that the lock will expire after a certain amount of time has passed. As an example, TicTacToe allows users to Reset the game board so that they can start a new game but we'd only want the reset to happen once even if the user(s) press the button multiple times. To prevent multiple resets from happening within a 10 second window (stopping the calls from going through and preventing the race condition), we'd lock the object by doing the following:

try {
await droppedAsset.updateDataObject(
{ isResetInProgress: true },
lock: { lockId: `${assetId}-${resetCount}-${new Date(Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 10000) * 10000)}` },
} catch (error) {
return res.status(409).json({ message: "Reset already in progress." });

Using the code above would also allow us to check if isResetInProgress === true and prevent the code from progress immediately. Make sure that when using a lock such as this that you also call await droppedAsset.updateDataObject({ isResetInProgress: false })}; after all reset functionality has been executed.

Turn based locking Locking data object updates can also be extremely helpful when building a turn based game. As an example, TicTacToe should only allow one user to take a turn at a time. To prevent multiple moves at once we could use the following:

try {
const timestamp = new Date(Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 5000) * 5000);
const lockId = `${keyAssetId}-${resetCount}-${turnCount}-${timestamp}`;
await droppedAsset.updateDataObject({}, { lock: { lockId, releaseLock: false } });
} catch (error) {
return res.status(409).json({ message: "Move already in progress." });

Once complete be sure to also call await keyAsset.updateDataObject({ turnCount: turnCount + 1 }); so that the next player is free to take their turn!

Custom analytics You can leverage the data object methods for all types to track analytics unique to your Public Key by passing analytics as an optional array along with profileId, urlSlug, and/or uniqueKey to all calls that set, update, or increment data objects!

World and Dropped Asset classes will automatically include urlSlug. In addition to analytics you can also pass profileId if you want to track event per user and/or a uniqueKey to additionally track uniqueness of the event for all time, per user (if profileId is included), and per world.

Examples leveraging World data objects calls:

await world.setDataObject({ hello: "world" }, { analytics: [{ analyticName: "resets"} ], lock: { lockId, releaseLock: true });

await world.updateDataObject({}, { analytics: [ {analyticName: "matches", uniqueKey: `${playerOneProfileId}-${playerTwoProfileId}`, urlSlug }], });

await world.incrementDataObjectValue(`keyAssets.${assetId}.completions`, 1, { analytics: [{ analyticName:"completions", incrementBy: 2, profileId, uniqueKey: profileId, urlSlug }] });

Visitor and User classes will automatically include profileId. In addition to analytics you can also pass urlSlug if you want to track event per world and/or a uniqueKey to additionally track uniqueness of the event for all time, per user, and per world (if urlSlug is included).

Examples leveraging Visitor data objects calls:

await visitor.setDataObject(
{ hello: "world" },
{ analytics: [{ analyticName: "starts" }], lock: { lockId, releaseLock: true } },

await visitor.updateDataObject(
{ analytics: [{ analyticName: "emotesUnlocked", profileId, uniqueKey: profileId }] },

await visitor.incrementDataObjectValue(`completions`, 1, {
analytics: [{ analyticName: "completions", incrementBy: 2, profileId, urlSlug, uniqueKey: profileId }],

Note: This does NOT impact the data objects themselves but rather allows you to track custom analytics (incremented by 1) across all instances of your application with a given Public Key.


Get Started

Run gh repo clone metaversecloud-com/mc-sdk-js


We've added an Issue template to help standardize Issues and ensure they have enough detail for a developer to start work and help prevent contributors from forgetting to add an important piece of information.

Pull Requests

We've added a Pull Request template to help make it easier for developers to clarify what the proposed changes will do. This helps facilitate clear communication between all contributors of the SDK and ensures that we are all on the same page!



The SDK Stylesheet is already added to every boilerplate. To view documentation and examples please click here.

Developer Documentation

We use TypeDoc to convert comments in TypeScript source code into rendered HTML documentation. Comments should be simple and concise and include examples where applicable. Please be sure to add or update comments accordingly!

To update docs run yarn docs.

To view docs locally open mc-sdk-js/clients/client-topia/docs/modules.html in your browser.

Example of Class comments:

* @summary
* Create an instance of Dropped Asset class with a given dropped asset id, url slug, and optional attributes and session credentials.
* @usage
* ```ts
* await new DroppedAsset(topia, "1giFZb0sQ3X27L7uGyQX", "example", { attributes: { text: "" }, credentials: { assetId: "1giFZb0sQ3X27L7uGyQX" } } });
* ```

Example of method comments

* @summary
* Sets the data object for a dropped asset.
* Optionally, a lock can be provided with this request to ensure only one update happens at a time between all updates that share the same lock id
* @usage
* ```ts
* await droppedAsset.setDroppedAssetDataObject({
* "exampleKey": "exampleValue",
* });
* const { dataObject } = droppedAsset;
* ```


We use Jest for testing and take advantage of dependency injection to pass mock data into our services.

To run the test suite, please run yarn test.